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KPSC PDO Recruitment 2024-25
The Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) has announced a total of 247 vacancies for the post of Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department. The vacancies are divided into two categories: 97 for the KK (Hyderabad-Karnataka) Region and 150 for RPC (Residual Parent Cadre). The merit list will be released on the same date for both categories.
Vacancy Details
Country | India |
State | Karnataka |
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) |
Post Name | Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) |
Department | Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department |
Number of Vacancies | 247 (97 for KK Region, 150 for RPC) |
Exam Date | 16th & 17th November 2024 (KK Region), 7th & 8th December 2024 (RPC) |
Result Date | Likely to be announced by March 2025 |
Official Website | https://kpsc.kar.nic.in/ |
How to Check the KPSC PDO Result?
Step 1 | Go to the official website of KPSC at https://kpsc.kar.nic.in/. |
Step 2 | Find the option related to ‘Recruitment of PDO (HK & RPC) under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department’, click on it, and get redirected to the next page. |
Step 3 | Click on the option ‘List of Candidates Eligible for the Document Verification’. |
Step 4 | Download the merit list and search for your Roll Number to check whether you have passed or not. |
Cut Off Marks
Cut Off Marks | Candidates must meet or exceed the cut off marks to clear the written exam. |
KK Region Cut Off | Cut off marks for the KK Region will be released with the result. |
RPC Region Cut Off | Cut off marks for the RPC Region will be released with the result. |
Minimum Marks for Kannada Language Test | 50 marks out of 150 in the Kannada Language Test are required to pass. |
Exam Structure | The exam consists of 100 MCQs in each Paper 1 and Paper 2, totaling 200 marks. |
Unreserved Category Cut Off (Estimated) | The estimated cut off for Unreserved candidates is between 142 and 148 marks. |
What Next?
Stage 1 | Written Exam (held in November & December 2024) |
Stage 2 | Document Verification (candidates will be called based on the merit list) |
Document Verification Timeline | The Document Verification and further stages of selection will be conducted within 4 to 6 weeks after the result is announced. |
In the KPSC PDO Recruitment, the term RPC refers to candidates applying from the Regular Post Candidate category, which includes candidates from the general pool. On the other hand, HK refers to candidates applying from the Hyderabad-Karnataka region, which has a special quota and eligibility criteria for residents of that area.
The KPSC PDO result is typically based on the following:
- Written Exam Marks: The marks obtained in the written exam, which is the main assessment tool for the PDO post.
- Cut-off Marks: Candidates need to meet the cut-off marks set by KPSC to be shortlisted for the next round (usually an interview or document verification).
- Final Merit List: After the results are announced, KPSC prepares a merit list for candidates who qualify for the next stage in the recruitment process.